Friday, April 4, 2014

Lately, a bit of everything

Friday, April 4, 2014

Hello readers, I want to start off by apologizing for my absence these last two months, but school seriously got the best of me... and my time. As a result, there's also not much I can update you on, though I wish my first couple months of the year had been just a little more exciting. Mainly, my escape from college world has been the weekends, which is when I've had some time to snap new photos to share and of course, collect worthy memories. I can't really complain, but I'm always craving more of everything. Am I the only one who feels these past four months have gone by in a sprint? I swear sometimes following a daily routine can make every day so unremarkable you don't even realize when they pass in a bunch. I would hate to fall into a monotonic drill for too long, so lucky for me, I'm actually free from duties since last week until the last week of may! Because of my upcoming [college] trip to New York, I will not make it to the april trimester at my current university. Other than the fact I'll be accumulating more time in college, a month off is fine by me.  Anyhow, I've been suffering from a lack of creativity and inspiration lately, too. But I was finally encouraged to give it a wrap on my photo editing, sit down for a long while, and create this post the moment I came across a very motivating message while "tumbling" through my Tumblr dash. Brace yourselves, it's really deep:

"Write something today even if it sucks."

I know, I know, I'm so hard to inspire. But it worked, all I needed was a little push, and today I had the time. Pat me on the back! Now for those of you actually interested in knowing at least a bit of what's been going on lately, these were the highlights that followed my last blog update:
  • I got to photograph my nephew Santiago for his 1st birthday (adorable kid. adorable photos).
  • Made my first real logo design and photography work for an actual business, plus I'm helping out as an online community manager for them. So much fun by the way. 
  • Went outside my comfort zone and auditioned for a commercial. Note: I hate talking to video cameras.
  • I didn't get the call, but it was cool after all.
  • Adventured with my friend Sergio taking pretty photos during sunset one day. I used my iPhone camera.
  • Je suis apprendre le français! Success on level 1. 
  • Living in New York is just a month away.
  • I'm a little excited about that
  • ok maybe more than a little. 
We've been driving up to Valle de Angeles frequently. On occasion for Regis' mom's birthday, I had loads of fun taking candids and informal family portraits. We had delicious pupusas, lemonades, and platos típicos for lunch, and later walked around town during sunset. Coffee break never fails, of course, at Café La Estancia. I now ask for a chai latte at coffee shops instead of coffee, because its a bit kinder to my stomach. I'm starting to grow on tea.

Here's some of the pretty things and moments I've been able to capture. Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by!

xx, J. 
Joan Hidalgo Blog © 2014